Knowledge Highlights 6 November 2024
Committed to the best outcomes
We are absolutely committed to obtaining the best commercial and strategic outcomes for our clients who are engaged in disputes and other contentious circumstances. This means a rigorous analysis of the facts and merits with a clear map of our clients’ objectives.
Our roles and expertise
Our team has experience representing clients at all levels, from lower-level courts (which include various specialised courts) up to the Supreme Court, as well as in litigation proceedings involving multiple jurisdictions. As part of the Allen & Gledhill network known as A&G Asia, we are also able to tap on specialist expertise in a number of key dispute areas. These are Banking & Finance, Construction & Engineering, Corporate & Commercial, Insurance, Employment, Family, International Arbitration, International Trade, White Collar & Investigations, IP & IT, Land and Property, Professional Liability, Restructuring & Insolvency, and Shipping.
Our strength and experience
Our strength lies in conducting complex and high-value litigation with cross-border elements in any area of law. We also work closely with our associate firm Allen & Gledhill to handle cases requiring coordination of foreign counsel, close forensic examination of voluminous evidence, mastery of technical expert evidence and legal acumen to address groundbreaking and novel areas of law.